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  • Original Article

    Characterization of sexual violence against women in the Maria-Maria project in Teresina, PI

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2004;26(2):111-116


    Original Article

    Characterization of sexual violence against women in the Maria-Maria project in Teresina, PI

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2004;26(2):111-116

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032004000200005


    PURPOSE: to evaluate the characteristics of sexual violence against women, the types of sexual crimes and resulting body lesions. METHODS: descriptive study based on the information obtained from the medical records of 102 victims of sexual violence who were seen at the Maria-Maria project from March 2002 to March 2003 and who fulfilled the eligibility criteria. The characteristics of the violence, the types of crimes and the body injuries are described. For calculation and analysis of the data, the Epi-Info, version 6.04, program, for simple percentages and frequency distribution were used. RESULTS: ages of the victims ranged from 1 to 68 years, 65.7% were younger than 20 years and one in four was younger than 9 years. The majority were single (78.3%) and with a low educational level (74.2%). The crime predominated at night (64.7%), in a secluded area (39.2%), followed by the victim's home (34.3%), and at the location of the attack (67.6%). Among the adolescent victims, the unknown attacker predominated, while among the children the attackers were men known to the victims. In the case of the children younger than 10 years, indecent assault was the most frequent crime (73.8%) while rape was the most frequent crime among the adolescents (66.4%). Body trauma occurred in 76.7% of the cases, mainly hematomas, vulva edema and abrasions. CONCLUSION: sexual violence predominated among children and adolescents, single women and with low educational level. The aggression happened more frequently during the night, by an unknown person, in a secluded area, in the case of adolescents, and by a known person (mainly neighbour), in the victim's home, in the case of children. Rape was the most frequent kind of crime among adolescents and among children it was indecent assault, usually associated with genital and corporeal trauma.

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    Characterization of sexual violence against women in the Maria-Maria project in Teresina, PI
  • Original Article

    Expression of Bax protein in normal tissue of premenopausal women treated with raloxifene

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2008;30(4):177-181


    Original Article

    Expression of Bax protein in normal tissue of premenopausal women treated with raloxifene

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2008;30(4):177-181

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032008000400004


    PURPOSE: to evaluate the expression of Bax antigen in the normal mammary epithelium of premenopausal women treated with raloxifene. METHODS: a randomized double-blind study was conducted in 33 ovulatory premenopausal women with fibroadenoma. Patients were divided into two groups: Placebo, (n=18) and Raloxifene 60 mg, (n=15). The medication was used for 22 days, beginning on the first day of the menstrual cycle. An excisional biopsy was carried out on the 23rd day of the menstrual cycle and a sample of normal breast tissue adjacent to the fibroadenoma was collected and submitted to immunohistochemical study using anti-Bax polyclonal antibody to evaluate the expression of Bax protein. Immunoreaction for Bax was evaluated taking into consideration intensity and fraction of stained cells, whose combination resulted in a final score ranging from 0 to 6. Cases with a final score >3 were classified as positive for Bax. The c2 test was used for statistical analysis (p<0.05). RESULTS: the percentage of positivity of Bax protein expression was 66.7 and 73.3% in Groups A and B, respectively. There was no significant difference in Bax expression between the two groups (p=0.678). CONCLUSIONS: raloxifene, administered for 22 days in the dose of 60 mg/day, did not alter the expression of Bax protein in the breast normal tissue of premenopausal women.

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    Expression of Bax protein in normal tissue of premenopausal women treated with raloxifene
  • Original Article

    Effects of tamoxifen and conjugated estrogens on the mammary epithelium of rats in persistent estrus

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2000;22(1):33-36


    Original Article

    Effects of tamoxifen and conjugated estrogens on the mammary epithelium of rats in persistent estrus

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2000;22(1):33-36

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032000000100006


    Purpose: to evaluate the morphologic and morphometric alterations produced by tamoxifen and conjugated estrogens in the mammary epithelium of rats in persistent estrus. Methods: thirty-three adult female rats in persistent estrus induced with 1.25 mg testosterone propionate were divided at random into three groups: GI -- which received only water, control group (n = 12); GII -- treated with 500 mug tamoxifen daily (n = 10); GIII -- treated with 30 mug conjugated estrogens per day (n = 11). The first inguinal-abdominal pair of mammary glands of the animals was extirpated and processed for morphologic and morphometric study. Data were analyzed statistically by the Kruskal-Wallis rank analysis of variance (p < 0.05). Results: the morphologic study revealed signs of epithelial atrophy and the morphometric study showed a statistically significant reduction in the mean number of ducts and alveoli in groups II (10.1 and 1.9, respectively) and III (11.1 and 3.5, respectively) compared to group I (25.0 and 6.6, respectively). There was no significant difference between groups II and III. Conclusions: the results of this study indicate that tamoxifen as well as conjugated estrogens at the tested doses produced mammary epithelial atrophy in rats in persistent estrus.

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    Effects of tamoxifen and conjugated estrogens on the mammary epithelium of rats in persistent estrus
  • Original Article

    Effects of raloxifene on angiogenesis of the breast carcinoma of menopausal women

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2007;29(7):335-339


    Original Article

    Effects of raloxifene on angiogenesis of the breast carcinoma of menopausal women

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2007;29(7):335-339

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032007000700002


    PURPOSE: to evaluate the effect of raloxifene on breast cancer angiogenesis of menopausal women. METHODS: sixteen menopausal women with stage II (>3 cm) estrogen receptor positive operable breast cancer were enrolled in this study. Following confirmation of the diagnosis by incisional biopsy, the patients received 60 mg raloxifene daily for 28 days prior to the definitive surgery. Immunohistochemical study was performed on the sample tumors obtained during the biopsy for the diagnosis and evaluation of the status of estrogen receptor and during the definitive surgery. The anti-CD34 monoclonal antibody was used as a marker for endothelial cells. The vascular unit was considered as any endothelial cell or group of cells of a brownish color, clearly separated from adjacent microvessels, tumor cells or other connective tissue, forming or not lumen. Microvessel count was performed in ten fields of each slide using a 40X objective lens (400X magnification). A microscope coupled to a system of capture and analysis of image was used (Imagelab®). Statistical analysis of data was carried out using the paired Student t-test and significance level was established at p<0.05. RESULTS: mean numbers of anti-CD34 antibody-stained microvessels before and after raloxifene treatment were 44.4±3.5 and 22.6±1.6, respectively. A significant reduction in the number of microvessels following raloxifene therapy was observed (p<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: when administered as primary therapy for menopausal women with breast carcinoma, raloxifene significantly reduced tumoral angiogenesis.

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    Effects of raloxifene on angiogenesis of the breast carcinoma of menopausal women
  • Original Article

    Phantom breast syndrome: clinical and epidemiological characteristics

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2007;29(9):446-451


    Original Article

    Phantom breast syndrome: clinical and epidemiological characteristics

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2007;29(9):446-451

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032007000900002


    PURPOSE: to evaluate the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of patients with the diagnosis of phantom breast syndrome or with phantom phenomena lonely. METHODS: it was conducted an observational, descriptive and sectional study enrolling 98 patients treated for breast cancer at Hospital São Marcos, Teresina (PI), Brazil. A standardized questionnaire was applied. RESULTS: the phantom breast syndrome was observed in 11.2% of the patients and phantom sensation alone was observed in 30% of the patients. The mean age of the patients was 54 years. Fifty-nine patients were married (60%) and 79.5% were analphabetic or had not concluded the high school. Emotional alterations were present in 67.4%, even though in 66.7% the libido was not changed after surgical procedure. As a relief factor of phantom pain, resting was cited by 90.9% of the patients, while physical exercises were mentioned to exacerbate the symptoms in 63.6% of the cases. The mean grade attributed to the pain in a 0 to 10 scale was 3, ranging from 1 to 7. Only 3% of the patients knew about the existence of this syndrome before the interviews. CONCLUSIONS: phantom phenomena are frequent in mastectomized patients, being necessary more studies to know about its characteristics and effects in these women's quality of life.

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