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  • Original Article

    FSH, LH, estradiol, progesterone, and histamine concentrations in serum, peritoneal fluid and follicular fluid of women with and without endometriosis

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2006;28(11):643-651


    Original Article

    FSH, LH, estradiol, progesterone, and histamine concentrations in serum, peritoneal fluid and follicular fluid of women with and without endometriosis

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2006;28(11):643-651

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032006001100003


    PURPOSE: literature reports show that there are no conclusive data about the association between endometriosis and the concentrations of hormones involved in the control of reproduction. Thus, the present study was undertaken to determine FSH, LH, estradiol (E), progesterone (P), and histamine (Hi) concentrations in serum, peritoneal fluid and follicular fluid of women with and without endometriosis. METHODS: the extent of the disease was staged according to the revised American Fertility Society classification (1997). For the collection of serum and peritoneal fluid, 28 women with endometriosis undergoing diagnostic laparoscopy were selected (18 infertile women with endometriosis I-II and ten infertile women with endometriosis III-IV). For the control group, 21 fertile women undergoing laparoscopy for tubal sterilization were selected. Follicular fluid was obtained from 39 infertile women undergoing in vitro fertilization (21 women with endometriosis and 18 women without endometriosis). RESULTS: FSH and LH levels in serum, peritoneal fluid and follicular fluid did not differ significantly between groups. On the other hand, E and P concentrations in the peritoneal fluid were significantly lower in infertile women with endometriosis (E: 154.2±15.3 for stages I-II and 89.3 ng/mL±9.8 ng/mL for stages III-IV; P: 11.2±1.5 for stages I-II and 7.6 ng/mL±0.8 for stages III-IV) in comparison with control women (E: 289.1 ng/mL±30.1; P: 32.8±4.1 ng/mL) (Kruskal-Wallis/Dunn tests; p<0.05). In serum, estradiol and progesterone concentrations followed the same pattern. In the follicular fluid, E and Hi concentrations were significantly lower in women with endometriosis (E: 97.4±11.1 pg/mL; Hi: 6.6±0.9 ng/mL) in comparison to women without endometriosis (E: 237.5±28.5 pg/mL; Hi: 13.8±1.3 ng/mL) (Student t-test; p<0.05), while progesterone levels revealed no significant difference between groups. CONCLUSIONS: our results indicate ovary dysfunction in women with endometriosis, with reduction on E, P and Hi concentrations, which may contribute to the subfertility often associated with the disease.

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