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You searched for:"Ana Luisa Menezes Campos"

We found (2) results for your search.
  • Original Article

    Comparison between Slow Freezing and Vitrification in Terms of Ovarian Tissue Viability in a Bovine Model

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2016;38(7):333-339


    Original Article

    Comparison between Slow Freezing and Vitrification in Terms of Ovarian Tissue Viability in a Bovine Model

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2016;38(7):333-339

    DOI 10.1055/s-0036-1586258




    To assess the viability of bovine ovarian tissue after cryopreservation through either slow freezing or vitrification, and to compare it to that of control tissue by performing morphological analyses.


    The study included 20 bovine ovarian cortex fragments that were divided into control, vitrification, and slow freezing groups. Each group consisted of four fragments of the same ovary, two fixed without cultivation, and two fixed with cultivation. Tissues were evaluated based on follicular morphology immediately after heating and after 7 days of culture, and compared with the control group.


    A total of 240 fragments were analyzed, generating a sample of 1,344 follicles without cultivation and 552 with cultivation. When the non-cultivated samples were classified as non-atretic follicles, 572 were found in the control group, 289 in the vitrification group, and 373 in the slow freezing group, showing no significant differences. When classified as atretic, 46 follicles were found in the control group, 23 in the vitrification group, and 41 in the slow freezing group, also showing no statistical difference. In the post-culture sample, an evolution of the follicular stages could be observed. This finding was important to support that the follicles considered non-atretic in the non-cultivated group were actually viable in the morphological evaluation.


    With no differences between the protocols, vitrification was shown to be an advanced and alternative method for patients who will undergo treatments that

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    Comparison between Slow Freezing and Vitrification in Terms of Ovarian Tissue Viability in a Bovine Model
  • Original Article

    Follicle Viability after Vitrification of Bovine Ovarian Tissue

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2017;39(11):614-621


    Original Article

    Follicle Viability after Vitrification of Bovine Ovarian Tissue

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2017;39(11):614-621

    DOI 10.1055/s-0037-1606129




    The present study aimed to evaluate the impact of vitrification on the viability of follicles using a three-dimensional (3D) in vitro culture.


    Bovine ovarian tissue samples (n = 5) obtained from slaughterhouses were utilized. The cortex was cut into small fragments of 2 x 3 x 0.5 mm using a tissue slicer. From these fragments, secondary follicles were first isolated by mechanical and enzymatic methods, then encapsulated in alginate gel and individually cultured for 20 days. Additional fragments of the same ovarian tissue were vitrified in a solution containing 25% glycerol and 25% ethylene glycol. After warming, the follicles underwent the same follicular isolation process that was performed for the fresh follicles.


    A total of 61 follicles were isolated, 51 from fresh ovarian tissue, and 10 from vitrified tissue. After the culture, the vitrified and fresh follicles showed 20% and 43.1% survival rates respectively (p = 0.290),with no significant differences. At the end of the culture, therewere no significant differences in follicular diameter between the vitrified (422.93 ± 85.05 μm) and fresh (412.99 ± 102.55 μm) groups (p = 0.725). Fresh follicles showed higher mean rate of antrum formation when compared with vitrified follicles (47.1% and 20.0% respectively), but without significant difference (p = 0.167).


    The follicles were able to develop, grow and form antrum in the 3D system after vitrification, despite the lower results obtained with the fresh tissue.

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    Follicle Viability after Vitrification of Bovine Ovarian Tissue


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