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You searched for:"Alfeu Cornélio Accorsi Neto"

We found (2) results for your search.
  • Original Article

    Effects of isoflavones on the pelvic floor and the periurethral vascularization of postmenopausal women

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2006;28(9):545-550


    Original Article

    Effects of isoflavones on the pelvic floor and the periurethral vascularization of postmenopausal women

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2006;28(9):545-550

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032006000900007


    PURPOSE: to evaluate muscular strength of the pelvic floor and the periurethral vessels of postmenopausal women before and after six months of soybean extract treatment. METHODS: the study was conducted on 30 postmenopausal women before and after six consecutive months of soyabean extract (100 mg/day) administration. Urinary loss and muscular strength of the pelvic floor were investigated through digital perineometer and functional evaluation. Digital color Doppler in the periurethral region was used to count the number of vessels. For statistical analysis, the paired Student t test was applied to compare the results before and after the treatment. RESULTS: twenty women reported urinary incontinence before the treatment period. The amelioration of this symptom was observed in 15 (75%) women after the treatment. Vaginal pressure (muscular strength of the pelvic floor) was 12.95±1.73 and 15.86±1.86 Sauers, before and after the treatment, respectively (p<0.001). Twenty-two women (73.3%) presented an increase in the pressure at the end of this study. In relation to the function evaluation, 18 (60%) had improvement in muscular strength and 12 women did not present any change. On ultrasonography (Doppler), the number of vessels was 2.20±0.15 blood vessels/field in the beginning of this study and 3.46±0.25 blood vessels/field at the end of the treatment (p<0.001). An increase in the number of periurethral vessels was detected in 21 women (70%). CONCLUSION: it is important to emphasize that these are preliminary results. A double blind randomized and placebo-controlled clinical trial with a high number of participants is necessary. However, the treatment with concentrated soybean extract (100 mg per day) for six consecutive months may determine an improvement in pelvic floor muscular strength and an increase in the number of periurethral vessels in postmenopausal women.

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  • Original Article

    Comparison between hysterosonography, hysteroscopy and histopathology in the evaluation of postmenopausal woman uterine cavity

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2003;25(9):667-672


    Original Article

    Comparison between hysterosonography, hysteroscopy and histopathology in the evaluation of postmenopausal woman uterine cavity

    Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2003;25(9):667-672

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032003000900008


    PURPOSE: to compare the results of hysterosonography with those of hysteroscopy and the histopathologic study in postmenopausal women. METHODS: hysterosonography, hysteroscopy and endometrial biopsy were performed in 59 women who had an endometrial echo over 4 mm, age above 40 years and amenorrhea over one year, and whose follicle-stimulating hormone levels were over 35 mIU/mL. Patients using hormones were excluded, as well those in whom it was impossible to perform histerosonography, histeroscopy or endometrial biopsy. The statistical analysis was performed using the nonparametric "G"-Cochran and McNemar tests. In addition, sensitivity and specificity, as well as positive and negative predictive values were determined. The value of 0.05 or 5% for rejection level of the null hypothesis was applied. RESULTS: the agreement rates of hysterosonographic results compared to hysteroscopy and histopatology were 94.8 ande 77.6%, respectively. Sensitivity and specificity of hysterosonographic evaluation of the abnormal endometrial cavity were 98 and 75%, respectively, when compared to hysteroscopy. In addittion, positive and negative predictive values of hysterosonography were 96 and 86%, respectively. When the histopathologic study was used as the gold standard, sensitivity and specificity were 98 and 33%, with positive predictive value of 76% and negative predictive value of 86%, for the detection of the endometrial cavitary changes. One great concern were the histopathologic results of two patients with uterine synechia who showed endometrial hyperplasia. Also, one patient was diagnosed as normal using histerosonography and the histopatological result showed simple hyperplasia. CONCLUSIONS: our data suggest that hysterosonography presented good sensitivity as compared with hysteroscopy. However, uterine synechia is the great limitation of this method as compared with histopathology.

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