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  • Artigos Originais

    Influence of maternal nutritional status, weight gain and energy intake on fetal growth in high-risk pregnancies

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2012;34(3):107-112


    Artigos Originais

    Influence of maternal nutritional status, weight gain and energy intake on fetal growth in high-risk pregnancies

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2012;34(3):107-112

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032012000300003


    PURPOSE: To analyze the influence of maternal nutritional status, weight gain and energy consumption on fetal growth in high-risk pregnancies. METHODS: A prospective study from August 2009 to August 2010 with the following inclusion criteria: puerperae up to the 5th postpartum day; high-risk singleton pregnancies (characterized by medical or obstetrical complications during pregnancy); live fetus at labor onset; delivery at the institution; maternal weight measured on the day of delivery, and presence of medical and/or obstetrical complications characterizing pregnancy as high-risk. Nutritional status was assessed by pregestational body mass index and body mass index in late pregnancy, and the patients were classified as: underweight, adequate, overweight and obese. A food frequency questionnaire was applied to evaluate energy consumption. We investigated maternal weight gain, delivery data and perinatal outcomes, as well as fetal growth based on the occurrence of small for gestational age and large for gestational age neonates. RESULTS: We included 374 women who were divided into three study groups according to newborn birth weight: adequate for gestational age (270 cases, 72.2%), small for gestational age (91 cases, 24.3%), and large for gestational age (13 cases, 3.5%). Univaried analysis showed that women with small for gestational age neonates had a significantly lower mean pregestational body mass index (23.5 kg/m², p<0.001), mean index during late pregnancy (27.7 kg/m², p<0.001), and a higher proportion of maternal underweight at the end of pregnancy (25.3%, p<0.001). Women with large for gestational age neonates had a significantly higher mean pregestational body mass index (29.1 kg/m², p<0.001), mean index during late pregnancy (34.3 kg/m², p<0.001), and a higher proportion of overweight (30.8%, p=0.02) and obesity (38.5%, p=0.02) according to pregestational body mass index, and obesity at the end of pregnancy (53.8%, p<0.001). Multivariate analysis revealed the index value during late pregnancy (OR=0.9; CI95% 0.8-0.9, p<0.001) and the presence of hypertension (OR=2.6; 95%CI 1.5-4.5, p<0.001) as independent factors for small for gestational age. Independent predictors of large for gestational age infant were the presence of diabetes mellitus (OR=20.2; 95%CI 5.3-76.8, p<0.001) and obesity according to body mass index during late pregnancy (OR=3.6; 95%CI 1.1-11.7, p=0.04). CONCLUSION: The maternal nutritional status at the end of pregnancy in high-risk pregnancies is independently associated with fetal growth, the body mass index during late pregnancy is a protective factor against small for gestational age neonates, and maternal obesity is a risk factor for large for gestational age neonates.

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  • Artigos Originais

    Conjoined twins: prenatal diagnosis, delivery and postnatal outcome

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2011;33(5):211-218


    Artigos Originais

    Conjoined twins: prenatal diagnosis, delivery and postnatal outcome

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2011;33(5):211-218

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032011000500002


    PURPOSE: the aim of this study was to analyze conjoined twins in terms of antenatal, delivery and postnatal aspects. METHODS: a retrospective descriptive analysis of prenatally diagnosed conjoined twins. Prenatal ultrasound and echocardiography, delivery details, postnatal follow-up, surgical separation and post mortem data were reviewed. The twins were classified according to the type of fusion between fetal structures. The following data were analyzed: ultrasound and echocardiographic findings, antenatal lethality and possibility of surgical separation, delivery details and survival rates. RESULTS: forty cases of conjoined twins were included in the study. There were 72.5% cases of thoracophagus, 12.5% of paraphagus, 7.5% of omphalo-ischiophagus, 5.0% of omphalophagus, and 2.5% of cephalophagus. Judicial termination of pregnancy was requested in 58.8% of the cases. Cesarean section was performed in all cases in which pregnancy was not terminated. The mean gestational age at delivery was 35 weeks; all twins were live births with a mean birth weight of 3,860 g and 88% died postnatally. Ten percent of the live borns were submitted to surgical separation with a 60% survival rate. The total survival rate was 7.5% and postnatal survival was 12%. Antenatal evaluation of lethality and possibility of surgical separation were precise. There were no maternal complications related to delivery. CONCLUSION: conjoined twins present a dismal prognosis mainly related to the complex cardiac fusion present in the majority of cases with thoracic sharing. At referring centers, prenatal ultrasound and echocardiographic evaluation accurately delineate fetal prognosis and the possibility of postnatal surgical separation.

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  • Artigos Originais

    Ultrasonographic accuracy of fetal weight estimation and influence of maternal and fetal factors

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2011;33(9):240-245


    Artigos Originais

    Ultrasonographic accuracy of fetal weight estimation and influence of maternal and fetal factors

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2011;33(9):240-245

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032011000900004


    PURPOSE: To determine the accuracy of ultrasound in fetal weight estimation and to evaluate maternal and/or fetal factors that could interfere in the result. METHODS: This was a transverse prospective study, involving 106 patients, with 212 fetal weight evaluations, by two observers, within 24 h to delivery. The following parameters were measured: biparietal diameter, head circumference, abdominal circumference, and femoral length. Fetal weight was estimated using the Hadlock formula and the results were compared to birth weight. The maternal factors examined were: weight, BMI, and skin to uterus distance measured by ultrasound, and the fetal factors were: presentation, position, placental localization and thickness, fetal weight, and amniotic fluid index (AFI). RESULTS: There was good correlation between estimated fetal weight and birth weight (R=0.97). In 79.2% and in 92.4% of cases the estimated fetal weight was within 10% and 15% of birth weight, respectively. The only maternal factor that presented a positive correlation with percent error in the estimate of fetal weight was the skin to uterus distance (R³0.56). Fetal weight showed negative correlation with percent error (R>-0.36; p<0.001), with a significant tendency to overestimate fetal weight in the group of very low weight - <1000 g (p<0.05). The AFI showed a low negative correlation with percent error (R=-0.21; p<0.001) with no difference between AFI groups (p=0.516). CONCLUSION: Ultrasound presented good accuracy in the estimation of fetal weight. The error of weight estimate was directly proportional to the skin to uterus distance and inversely proportional to fetal weight. AFI did not interfere significantly in the ultrasound prediction of fetal weight.

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  • Trabalhos Originais

    Uterine Cervical Length Evaluation in the Standing and Recumbent Positions in Twin Pregnancies

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2002;24(4):247-251


    Trabalhos Originais

    Uterine Cervical Length Evaluation in the Standing and Recumbent Positions in Twin Pregnancies

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2002;24(4):247-251

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032002000400006


    Purpose: to compare cervical length measurements in twin pregnancies obtained by transvaginal ultrasound examination in the recumbent and standing positions. Methods: fifty twin pregnancies underwent transvaginal ultrasound examinations to measure the cervical length with the women in recumbent and standing positions. The study was carried out between May 1999 and December 2000. The scans were repeated every 4 weeks and the total number of evaluations was 136. Two groups were analyzed: one included only the first ultrasound examinations carried out in each woman and the second group included all evaluations. Results: in the first group, cervical length measurements in the standing and recumbent positions correlated inversely with the gestational age (recumbent: r=-0.60; p<0.001; standing: r=-0.46; p=0.008). The mean measure in the recumbent position was 35.2 mm (SD=9.9 mm) and 33.4 mm (SD=9.5 mm) in the standing position. When the difference between the measure obtained in the standing and recumbent positions was expressed as percentage of the measure in the recumbent position, there was no significant association with gestational age (p=0.07). When all evaluations were considered, there was a significant association between cervical length in the recumbent and standing positions (r=0.79; p<0.001). The measures in recumbent and standing positions were inversely correlated with gestational age (recumbent: p<0.0001; standing: p<0.0001). The mean cervical length in the recumbent position was 33.5 mm (SD=10.8 mm) and 31.8 mm (SD=9.6 mm) in the standing position. There was no significant association between cervical length difference expressed as percentage of the measure in the recumbent position and gestation. Conclusion: cervical length measure obtained with the patients in the recumbent and standing positions provided similar information.

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    Uterine Cervical Length Evaluation in the Standing and Recumbent Positions in Twin Pregnancies
  • Trabalhos Originais

    Longitudinal Assessment of Cervix Length in Twin Gestation

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2002;24(6):377-381


    Trabalhos Originais

    Longitudinal Assessment of Cervix Length in Twin Gestation

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2002;24(6):377-381

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032002000600004


    Purpose: to establish a reference range for cervical length measurement throughout gestation in twin pregnancies and to correlate cervical length with gestational age at delivery. Methods: retrospective analysis of prospectively collected data between 1994 and 2000, involving 149 twin pregnancies undergoing transvaginal ultrasound examination every four weeks for measurement of cervical length. Results: one hundred and twenty-seven women (85.2%) delivered after 34 weeks, 20 (13.4%) between 24 and 33 weeks and two pregnancies resulted in fetal loss before 24 weeks. The mean gestational age at delivery was 36.3 weeks. A total of 497 ultrasound examinations with cervical length measurement were performed in 127 patients with twin pregnancies who delivered after 34 weeks (mean = 4 examinations per patient). All scans were carried out between 9 and 39 weeks (mean = 29.4 weeks). There was an inverse correlation between cervical length measurement and gestational age at the scan in twin pregnancies (r=-0.44; p < 0.0001). The mean value was 44 mm at 10 weeks and 28 mm at 36 weeks. The corresponding fifth percentile values of these gestations were 28 mm and 12 mm, respectively. Cervical length measurement changes were more pronounced in the second half of the pregnancy (Kruskal-Wallis test, p=0.0006). Mean cervical length measurement and 90% prediction interval values were established throughout gestation by regression analysis. Twenty-six cases delivered before 34 weeks, nine of these cases (34.6%) had at least one cervical length measurement below the 5th percentile. Conclusions: cervical length shortens gradually throughout gestation in twin pregnancies but changes are more significant in the second half of the pregnancy. Approximately one-third of the pregnancies that delivered before 34 weeks had at least one cervical length measurement below the 5th percentile for the gestational age.

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    Longitudinal Assessment of Cervix Length in Twin Gestation
  • Trabalhos Originais

    Ultrasound screening for Down syndrome using a multiparameter score

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 1998;20(9):525-531


    Trabalhos Originais

    Ultrasound screening for Down syndrome using a multiparameter score

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 1998;20(9):525-531

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72031998000900006


    Purpose: to calculate sensitivity, specificity and positive and negative predictive values for multiparameter ultrasound scores for Down's syndrome. Patients and Methods: sensitivity and specificity for Down syndrome were calculated for ultrasound scores in a prospective study of ultrasound signs from 16 to 24 weeks in a high-risk population who denied invasive procedures after genetic counselling. The signs and scores were: femur/foot length < 0,9 (1), nuchal fold > 5 mm (2), pyelocaliceal diameter > 5 mm (1), nasal bones < 6 mm (1), absent or hypoplastic fifth median phalanx (1) and major structural malformations (2). Complete follow-up was obtained in each case. Genetic amniocentesis was proposed in the case of score 2 or more. Results: a total of 963 patients were examined from October 93 to December 97 at a mean gestational age of 19.6 (range 16 -24) weeks. Women's age ranged from 35 to 47 years (mean 38.8) and 18 Down syndrome cases were observed (1.8%). Sensitivity was 94.5% (17/18) for score 1 and 73% (13/18) for score 2 (false positive rate of 9.8% for score 1 and 4.1% for score 2). Individual sign sensitivity and specificity were: femur/foot = 16.7% (3/18) and 96.8% (915/945); nasal bones = 22.2% (4/18) and 92.1% (870/945); nuchal fold = 44.4% (8/18) and 96.5% (912/945); pyelic diameter = 38.9% (7/18) and 94.3% (891/945); absent phalanx = 22.2% (4/18) and 98.5% (912/945); malformation = 22.2% (4/18) and 98.2% (928/945). Conclusions: the overall sensitivity for score 1 was high but false positive rates were also high. For score 2, sensibility was still good (73%) and false positive rate was acceptable (4.1%). Positive and negative predictive values can be calculated for each prevalence (women's age). More cases are needed to reach final conclusions about this screening method (specially in a low-risk population) although this system has been useful for high-risk patients who deny invasive procedures.

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  • Trabalhos Originais

    Fetal blood gas changes in red-cell transfusion in alloimmunization

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2003;25(8):599-603


    Trabalhos Originais

    Fetal blood gas changes in red-cell transfusion in alloimmunization

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2003;25(8):599-603

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032003000800009


    PURPOSE: the aim was to study Rh-alloimmunized pregnant women and describe the gasometric abnormalities and the fetal acid-base changes before and after intrauterine transfusion. METHODS: between June 2001 and October 2001, before and after intrauterine transfusion in the alloimunized fetuses, gasometric data and acid-base parameters were prospectively studied in the umbilical vein blood. The measurements were performed in 8 samples of 5 fetuses. The fetal blood was obtained by cordocentesis before and after the intrauterine transfusion. The results were compared to the volemic expansion, the gestational age at procedure, the estimated fetal weight and the hemoglobin values (g/dL). RESULTS: all the cases showed pH value reduction, mean of 0.09 (SD=0.02). The fetal hemoglobin value showed a mean improvement of 8.4 g/dL (SD=2.9 g/dL). The pO2 and HCO3- concentrations showed negative variation (mean deltapO2 = -1.28 mmHg, mean deltaHCO3- = -2.25 mEq/L). pCO2 showed improvement (mean deltapCO2 = 3.2 mmHg) and reduced values of base excess occurred (mean = -3.75). CONCLUSION: the gasometric analysis allows to conclude that intrauterine transfusion is followed by pH reduction in the umbilical vein, with relative fetal acidemia after the procedure.

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