Monitoring the prenatal care process among users of the Unified Health Care System in a city of the Brazilian Southeast - Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia

Original Articles

Monitoring the prenatal care process among users of the Unified Health Care System in a city of the Brazilian Southeast

PURPOSE: to evaluate the evolution of adequacy of the care process among pregnant users of the Brazilian Single Health System (SUS, acronym in Portuguese) and to consolidate a methodology for monitoring the prenatal care. METHODS: this is a multiple time series study with auditing of prenatal cards of pregnant women who were attended for prenatal care in a city of the Brazilian Southeast (Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais) in the initial semesters of 2002 and 2004 (370 and 1,200 cards, respectively) and gave birth using SUS services in term pregnancies (p < 0.05). A three complementary level sequence was respected: utilization of prenatal care (beginning and number of visits) at level 1; utilization of prenatal care and obligatory clinical-obstetric procedures during prenatal visits (assessment of blood pressure (BP), weight, uterine fundal height (FH), gestational age (GA), fetal heart rate (FHR) and fetal presentation) at level 2; and utilization of prenatal care, obligatory clinical-obstetric procedures and basic laboratory tests, according to the Humanization Program of Prenatal Care and Birth (PHPN, acronym in Portuguese) (ABO/Rh, hemoglobin/hematocrit (Hb/Htc), VDRL, glycemia and urinalisys) at level 3. RESULTS: it was confirmed the high prenatal care coverage (99%), the increased mean number of visits per pregnant woman (6.4 versus 7.2%) and the decreased gestational age at the time of the first visit (17.4 versus 15.7 weeks). The proper registration of procedures and exams (exceptions: fetal presentation and blood typing) has significantly increased: BP (77.8 versus 83.9%); weight (75.4 versus 83.5%); FH (72.7 versus 81.3%); GA (58.1 versus 71.5%); FHR (79.5 versus 86.7%); Hb/Htc (14.9 versus 29%), VDRL (11.1 versus 20.7%), glycemia (16.5 versus 29%) and urinalisys (13.8 versus 29.8%). As a result, there was significant (p < 0.001) improvement of the adequacy between 2002 and 2004: 27.6 versus 44.8% (level 1); 7.8 versus 15.4% (level 2); 1.1 versus 4.5% (level 3). This trend was also noted in care provided by the majority of the municipal services/teams. CONCLUSIONS: the persistence of low adequacy, despite good coverage and PHPN implementation, confirmed the need to increase health managers, professionals and users' compliance with the rules and routines of care, including the institutionalization of a monitoring program of prenatal care.


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