Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 04-05-1998;20(8):437-441
Purpose:to compare the incidence of preterm labor and birth, premature rupture of membranes (PROM) and low birth-weight newborns (< 2,500 g) between two groups of pregnant women (with or without BV). To verify the adequacy of including a regular prenatal BV investigation. Methods:a total of 217 women between 28 and 32 weeks of pregnancy (35 with BV and 182 without BV) were studied. The diagnosis of BV was established according to Amsel's criteria. The data were analyzed by the chi² test, Fisher's test, Mann-Whitney test and the relative risk. Results:the incidence of preterm labor, preterm birth, PROM and low birth-weight was statistically higher in the group of women with BV than in the control group (29.4% vs. 3.8%; 28.6% vs. 3.3%; 22.9% vs. 10.4%; 20.0% vs. 3.3%; respectively). The means of gestational age and birth-weight were significantly lower in the newborns from mothers with BV (265.8 days vs. 279.9 days; 2,958 g vs. 3,294 g, respectively). Conclusion:all perinatal complications studied were significantly associated with the presence of untreated BV during pregnancy. Therefore, the diagnosis and adequate treatment should be included in the routine prenatal assistance at Brazilian Obstetrics Services. Such measure may be effective in the reduction of these perinatal complications.
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Purpose:to compare the incidence of preterm labor and birth, premature rupture of membranes (PROM) and low birth-weight newborns (< 2,500 g) between two groups of pregnant women (with or without BV). To verify the adequacy of including a regular prenatal BV investigation. Methods:a total of 217 women between 28 and 32 weeks of pregnancy (35 with BV and 182 without BV) were studied. The diagnosis of BV was established according to Amsel's criteria. The data were analyzed by the chi² test, Fisher's test, Mann-Whitney test and the relative risk. Results:the incidence of preterm labor, preterm birth, PROM and low birth-weight was statistically higher in the group of women with BV than in the control group (29.4% vs. 3.8%; 28.6% vs. 3.3%; 22.9% vs. 10.4%; 20.0% vs. 3.3%; respectively). The means of gestational age and birth-weight were significantly lower in the newborns from mothers with BV (265.8 days vs. 279.9 days; 2,958 g vs. 3,294 g, respectively). Conclusion:all perinatal complications studied were significantly associated with the presence of untreated BV during pregnancy. Therefore, the diagnosis and adequate treatment should be included in the routine prenatal assistance at Brazilian Obstetrics Services. Such measure may be effective in the reduction of these perinatal complications.