Influence of abstinence period on seminal characteristics in infertile men - Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia

Original Article

Influence of abstinence period on seminal characteristics in infertile men

PURPOSE: to evaluate the influence of abstinence period on seminal characteristics in infertile men and to establish a better seminal quality after pooling the samples. METHODS: a retrospective study was performed on 88 oligozoospermic (n=25), asthenozoospermic (n=43), and oligoasthenozoospermic (n=20) men whose partners underwent intrauterine insemination between September 2002 and December 2004. We excluded men with a normal semen analysis or women with abnormalities suggestive of infertility. Each man produced two semen samples in a short period of time (30 min to 1 h). We evaluated semen volume, total motile sperm count and percentage sperm motility. Comparisons were made between the first and second semen samples. After pooling the samples, we compared the total motile sperm count between the first sample and the pooled samples. Statistical evaluation was performed by Student’s t test and the chi2 test. RESULTS: in oligozoospermic men, there were no differences in the semen characteristics between the first and the second seminal samples (p>0.05). The total motile sperm count increased significantly in the second sample in comparison to the first sample in asthenozoospermic (42.4±6.8 vs 51.5±7.2×10(6) sperm/mL) and oligoasthenozoospermic men (11.1±7.4 vs 14.35±7.2×10(6) sperm/mL (p<0.05). The pool of two ejaculates increased the total motile sperm count in comparison to the first sample (p<0.05) in oligozoospermic, asthenozoospermic and oligoasthenozoospermic men by 110.5, 110.3 and 136.03%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: a short period of abstinence is associated with higher sperm motility in infertile men. The pool of two semen samples is a way to increase the total motile sperm count in this group of patients whose wives want to undergo an intrauterine insemination instead of in vitro fertilization.


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