Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 11-19-2009;31(10):513-526
DOI: 10.1590/S0100-72032009001000008
The present context of medical practice demands from the obstetrician and gynecologist broad understanding of the scientific and technological advances of the area. The main purpose of prenatal evaluation is to identify fetuses at risk for adverse events or death, for preventive action to avoid mishappenings. The determination of fetal biophysical profile reaches its maximum efficiency when applied within the clinical context of each case. In high risk gestations, the Doppler velocimetry of the umbilical artery has shown to be useful to improve perinatal outcome. In the fetal growth deficit, due to severe placentary insufficiency, Doppler velocimetry of the venous duct has been showing to be an important tool in handling of the cases before the 34th week of gestation. Although no test itself is considered the best to evaluate the fetus’s prenatal vitality, the joint analysis of all methods may lead to a better understanding of the fetal response to hypoxia.
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The present context of medical practice demands from the obstetrician and gynecologist broad understanding of the scientific and technological advances of the area. The main purpose of prenatal evaluation is to identify fetuses at risk for adverse events or death, for preventive action to avoid mishappenings. The determination of fetal biophysical profile reaches its maximum efficiency when applied within the clinical context of each case. In high risk gestations, the Doppler velocimetry of the umbilical artery has shown to be useful to improve perinatal outcome. In the fetal growth deficit, due to severe placentary insufficiency, Doppler velocimetry of the venous duct has been showing to be an important tool in handling of the cases before the 34th week of gestation. Although no test itself is considered the best to evaluate the fetus's prenatal vitality, the joint analysis of all methods may lead to a better understanding of the fetal response to hypoxia.