Benign breast masses: a review on diagnosis and management - Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia

Artigo de Revisão

Benign breast masses: a review on diagnosis and management

The benign mammary tumors are responsible for up to 80% of the clinical masses. Its differential diagnosis is wide, involving mammary cysts, fibroadenomas, phyllodes tumors, papillomas, hamartomas, and adenomas, among others. The fibroadenoma is the most common mammary neoplasia in patients under 35 years old, while the cysts are more frequent in the perimenopause. The differential diagnosis among solid or cystic nodules can be made through the fine-needle aspiration or by ultrasound, being therapeutic for the last ones. In this article, the differential diagnostic aspects will be revised between these tumors, as well as the new therapeutic approaches.


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