What are the Possibilities of Uterine Transplantation in Transgender Patients? - Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia


What are the Possibilities of Uterine Transplantation in Transgender Patients?

Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2017;39(10):521-522

DOI: 10.1055/s-0037-1606321

Views 2

Currently, there are heated discussions about the linguistic limitations of the binary gender model for the representation of the various forms of gender expression. In Anglo-Saxon countries, the possibility of using gender-neutral articles and pronouns is being discussed, while in our Brazilian population, the gender derivation vowel of pronouns is sometimes substituted by the ‘@’ or ‘x’ characters. The proper nomenclature to refer to these people must respect the genre with which they identify themselves. Thus, when referring to an individual born with biological male sex and with female gender identity, we must use the term transgender woman.

Not every transgender individual must necessarily undergo sex reassignment surgery. This must be a particular decision made by each individual in conjunction with the multidisciplinary team following the case, according to Resolution number 208/2009, of the Regional Medical Council of the State of São Paulo, Brazil. The Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS, in the Portuguese acronym), within the principles of universality and integrality, has regulated the necessary conditions for the process of sex reassignment by ordinance number 2836/2011. Nowadays, access to the sexual reassignment process and the adequate follow-up are the main challenges faced by the transgender population, which is estimated to be between 0.3% and 0.6% of the general population in the United States.



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