Study of Adherence to Antiretroviral Chemoprophylaxis for HIV Infection in Sexually Abused Women - Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia

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Study of Adherence to Antiretroviral Chemoprophylaxis for HIV Infection in Sexually Abused Women

Purpose: some medical institutions have been prophylactically ministrating anti-HIV therapy in cases of sexual violence, although there are no appropriate basic facts to establish its efficacy. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the acceptance, tolerance and adhesion of these women under a chemoprophylaxis plan for HIV. Methods: sixty-two women victims of rape and/or anal intercourse with unknown aggressors have been evaluated. Prophylaxis has been started within the first 48 h after violence and maintained for 4 weeks, with daily administration of zidovudine, 600 mg; indinavir, 2,400 mg and lamivudine, 300 mg. Results: the discontinuance rate was 24.2%, withe 12 cases (80%) due to gastric intolerance. The side effects were present in 43 cases (69.4%), including nausea and vomitting as the most frequent. Complex dosage and time of administration were factors possibly related to the inadequate use of the drugs in 10.6% of the cases. Conclusion: the authors concluded that the chemoprophylaxis discontinuance rate was similar to that observed in other indications.

Key-words HIV Sexual violence STD


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