Puerperal Mastitis: Study of Predisposing Factors - Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia

Original Article

Puerperal Mastitis: Study of Predisposing Factors

Purpose: to investigate clinical and bacteriological aspects, follow-up and treatment of mastitis in our clinic. Methods: this study was performed at Cleriston Andrade General Hospital. Patients were interviewed regarding personal data, prenatal care, care received during delivery and puerperium and clinical aspects. Their mastitides were classified by Vinha’s criteria. The patients with abscesses had them drained for bacteriological study. Culture medium Tryptone Soya Broth was used. Results: seventy nursing mothers were interviewed; 57% of them had given birth for the first time, 57% were between 20 and 29 years old, 51% had not finished elementary school, 63% had income less than the minimum wage, 66% of them had nobody to help with the housework. Out of the seventy females, 50% had not had their breasts examined. Approximately half of them had not been told how to breastfeed (50%) or how to express breast milk (58%). Sixty-three percent had not delivered in institutions designated by WHO as “Children’s Friends Hospitals”. Engorgement occurred in 46% of the cases and nipple fissures in 47%. According to Vinha’s criteria, 44% had lobar, 39% ampular and 17% glandular locations. Presence of Staphylococcus aureus was detected in 55% of the cases. Conclusion: factors such as low schooling, low incomes, no assistance in housework, giving birth for the first time and lack of professional help contributed to occurrence of mastitis.


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