Preeclampsia: New Concepts and Approach of a National Protocol - Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia


Preeclampsia: New Concepts and Approach of a National Protocol

Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2019;41(5):277-279

DOI: 10.1055/s-0039-1688959

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Importance of the Topic and Development of a National Protocol

Hypertensive syndromes, along with hemorrhagic syndromes, account for a large share of maternal deaths world-wide. In developing countries such as Brazil, maternal deaths are mostly related to hypertensive complications, and pre-eclampsia (PE) plays a prominent role in this scenario., Several factors contribute to these outcomes, such as late diagnosis, low rates of prescription of pharmacological preventive methods, inadequate prenatal care both in number and quality of visits, low and inadequate use of magnesium sulfate in the prevention of eclampsia, and poor postpartum follow-up. These factors, individually or together, can exert negative influence and increase maternal morbidity and mortality rates in our country.

The difficulty in understanding PE in terms of its etiology, pathogenesis and clinical presentation is already known. However, this aspect is aggravated because each country, region and even city services denominate and classify hypertensive syndromes in ways that generate confusion among colleagues, which delays the diagnoses and conducts. With the purpose of combating these known and undesirable difficulties, unifying the care provided to pregnant women, and reducing maternal death rates in our country, it was essential to create a national protocol on preeclampsia.



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