Obstetric Management in Breech Presentation - Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia

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Obstetric Management in Breech Presentation

Purpose: to evaluate the results of assistance to breech deliveries. Methods: this was a descriptive study where 160 pregnant women with breech presentation and live newborns were analyzed. They were divided into two groups according to the route of delivery. Clinical data concerning labor, delivery and newborns were studied. For statistical analysis vaginal deliveries were compared with cesarean sections using mean and standard deviation estimates, Student’s t, Mann-Whitney and chi² tests. Results: the global cesarean section rate was 81.2%. The gestational age and the weight of the newborns were significantly lower in the vaginal delivery group. Prematurity and low birth weight were significantly associated with vaginal delivery. Only 14 newborns had an Apgar score below 7 at the fifth minute, almost 60% of them in the vaginal delivery group. Conclusions: this population presented a high cesarean section rate and also high perinatal morbidity, prematurity and low birth weight in the vaginal delivery group. These findings do not allow conclusions regarding the real relationships among breech presentation, route of delivery and perinatal outcomes. The control regarding gestational age and parity, besides a random decision on the route of delivery, is necessary for future conclusions.


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