Nutritional Status of Iodine in a Group of Pregnant Women from the State of Minas Gerais Correlated with Neonatal Thyroid Function - Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia

Original Article

Nutritional Status of Iodine in a Group of Pregnant Women from the State of Minas Gerais Correlated with Neonatal Thyroid Function



To evaluate the iodine sufficiency of pregnant women assisted in a University Hospital of Minas Gerais, and to correlate the urinary concentrations of maternal iodine with the fetal thyroid hormone levels at birth.


Urinary iodine concentrations from 30 pregnant women with a singleton pregnancy and gestational age lower than 20 weeks were analyzed. Occasional samples of the mothers’ urine were collected for the urinary iodine concentration dosage, and these were correlated with the newborns’ thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels.


The median iodine urinary concentration of this study’s pregnant women population was 216.73 mcg/l, which is proper for the group, following the World Health Organization (WHO). No cases of neonatal hypothyroidism were reported in the study, which corroborates the iodine sufficiency in this population sample.


This study shows that despite the increased demand for iodine from pregnant women and the Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency (ANVISA) recommendation of 2013 for reduction of salt iodization levels, the population of pregnant women attended in the prenatal ambulatory of normal risk from the Federal University of Minas Gerais is considered sufficient in iodine. As a higher sample is necessary for the confirmation of these findings, it is too early to recommend the universal supplementation of iodine for Brazilian pregnant women, and more studies must be carried out, considering that iodine supplementation for pregnant women in an area of iodine sufficiency is associated to the risks of the fetus’s excessive exposure to iodine.


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