Maternal Mortality in Brazil: Proposals and Strategies for its Reduction - Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia


Maternal Mortality in Brazil: Proposals and Strategies for its Reduction

Maternal mortality is one of the health indicators that most reflect the social conditions of women. The inequities observed in this indicator between high- and low-income countries and among regions in the same country are explained by differences in the provision, in the access, and in the quality of obstetric care and of family planning. Thus, the death of a woman due to preventable causes is an indicator of her status in society and of the inadequacy of the healthcare system to meet her needs.

The entire health system needs to be ready to respond to the demands of pregnant and postpartum women. Even when adequate prenatal care is performed, it is not possible to predict, as would be ideal, which women will need emergency medical care during labor. Even though it contributes to safer pregnancy and birth, prenatal screening cannot do much to directly impact maternal mortality, because a large proportion of severe complications occur in women who do not present identifiable risk factors during pregnancy.



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