Alves LL, Nozaki AM, Polido CBA, Knobel R. Management of shoulder dystocia. Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia 2022;44(7):723-36.
Electronic Document Format (ABNT)
Alves, Álvaro Luiz Lage; Nozaki, Alexandre Massao; Polido, Carla Betina Andreucci; Knobel, Roxana. Management of shoulder dystocia. Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia, v. 44, n. 7, p. 723-736, Aug. 2022.
Electronic Document Format (APA)
Alves, L. L., Nozaki, A. M., Polido, C. B. A., & Knobel, R. (2022). Management of shoulder dystocia. Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia, 44(7), 723-736.
Electronic Document Format (ISO)
Alves, Álvaro Luiz Lage and Nozaki, Alexandre Massao and Polido, Carla Betina Andreucci and Knobel, Roxana. Management of shoulder dystocia. Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia [online]. 2022, vol. 44, n. 7, [cited 2025-01-05], pp.723-736. Available from: <>.
Figure 14. | Head-shoulder maneuver (blue arrow: impaction of the anterior shoulder behind the pubic symphysis; red arrow: inferior pressure exerted on the cephalic pole in the head-shoulder maneuver). Source: Illustration by Felipe Lage Starling (authorized).