Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 03-15-1999;21(1):41-45
Purpose: to demonstrate a new approach to treatment of endometrial cancer. Methods: Between February, 1996 and February, 1998, twelve patients with endometrial cancer, diagnosed by hysteroscopy and biopsy, were submitted to pelvic lymphadenectomy and hysterectomy with salpingo-oophorectomy by laparoscopy. The mean age was 58.1 years, the mean number of gestations was 2.3 and the mean body mass index was 28.6. Results: the mean length of anesthesia was 4.8 hours. The mean time of hospital stay was 3.3 days. The total of lymph nodes obtained was 176, 104 (59.1%) being from the right side and 72 (40.9%) from the left side. The mean of lymph nodes per patient was 18.5. We observed two complications: in one case the laparoscopic procedure had to be abandoned because the patient presented a dangerous increase in intratracheal pressure and in the other case a granuloma in the vagina was observed. Conclusions: the initial evaluation of the laparoscopic hysterectomy and laparoscopy shows that we achieved good results regarding the accuracy of staging, the number of nodes and a small number (3) of complications.
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Purpose: to demonstrate a new approach to treatment of endometrial cancer. Methods: Between February, 1996 and February, 1998, twelve patients with endometrial cancer, diagnosed by hysteroscopy and biopsy, were submitted to pelvic lymphadenectomy and hysterectomy with salpingo-oophorectomy by laparoscopy. The mean age was 58.1 years, the mean number of gestations was 2.3 and the mean body mass index was 28.6. Results: the mean length of anesthesia was 4.8 hours. The mean time of hospital stay was 3.3 days. The total of lymph nodes obtained was 176, 104 (59.1%) being from the right side and 72 (40.9%) from the left side. The mean of lymph nodes per patient was 18.5. We observed two complications: in one case the laparoscopic procedure had to be abandoned because the patient presented a dangerous increase in intratracheal pressure and in the other case a granuloma in the vagina was observed. Conclusions: the initial evaluation of the laparoscopic hysterectomy and laparoscopy shows that we achieved good results regarding the accuracy of staging, the number of nodes and a small number (3) of complications.