Impact of Advanced Maternal Age on the Outcome of Pregnancy - Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia

Trabalhos Originais

Impact of Advanced Maternal Age on the Outcome of Pregnancy

Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 1998;20(7):389-394

DOI: 10.1590/S0100-72031998000700004

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Most authors agree on the negative impact of pregnancy in women with advanced maternal age on maternal and perinatal outcome. However, it is not usual to evaluate if some considered risk factors are only confounders because they are present in women over forty years. In order to identify the isolated effect of age on maternal and perinatal outcome of pregnancies in women over forty, 494 pregnancies from this age group were compared to 988 pregnancies among women aged 20 to 29 years, matched by parity. After controlling possible confounding variables through multivariate analysis, advanced maternal age maintained its association with a higher prevalence of hypertension, malpresentation, cesarean section, postpartum hemorrhage, low Apgar score, perinatal death, late fetal death and intrapartum fetal distress. These findings show the need for adequate obstetrical care with special attention to those factors in order to improve maternal and perinatal outcome of pregnancies in women with advanced age.


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