Hormonal Contraceptives and Risk of Breast Cancer: How to Explain it without Controversy - Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia


Hormonal Contraceptives and Risk of Breast Cancer: How to Explain it without Controversy

Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2018;40(2):57-58

DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1637742

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Globally, hormonal contraceptives (HCs) are used by approximately 13% of the female population between 15 and 49 years old, which, in absolute numbers, represents 140 million women. In Brazil, where the rates of tubal ligation are 29%, HCs are used by approximately 30% of women of reproductive age.

The roles of the hormones contained in HCs have long been discussed. Estrogens appear to function as promoters of mammary tumors; however, their role as initiators of carcinogenesis is controversial, as is the complex role of progestins. Studies that address the association between breast cancer and HCs are usually restricted to combined oral contraceptives (COCs). Even though older studies have shown greater risk of breast cancer among women on the pill, since 2002, the evidence has not demonstrated this association.



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