Gynecological Surgery and COVID-19: What is the Impact and How Should I Manage it? - Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia

Review Article

Gynecological Surgery and COVID-19: What is the Impact and How Should I Manage it?


It is estimated that around 28 million surgeries will be postponed or canceled worldwide as a result of this pandemic, causing a delay in the diagnosis and treatment of more than 2 million cancer cases. In Brazil, both the National Health Agency (ANS) and National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA) advised the postponement of elective and non-essential surgeries, causing a considerable impact on the number of surgical procedures that decreased by 33.4% in this period. However, some women need treatment for various gynecological diseases that cannot be postponed. The purpose of this article is to present recommendations on surgical treatment during the COVID-19 pandemic.


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