Facing Osteoporosis: Is Hormonal Therapy Losing an Opportunity to be Used? The Role of Gynecologists - Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia


Facing Osteoporosis: Is Hormonal Therapy Losing an Opportunity to be Used? The Role of Gynecologists

Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2022;44(11):1011-1013

DOI: 10.1055/s-0042-1760116

Views 6

In the month of October, the World Day against Osteoporosis was celebrated and the date is dedicated to the global awareness of its prevention, diagnosis and treatment. This disease affects about 200 million people worldwide, causing more than 8.9 million fractures annually., Globally, it affects 21.2% of women over 50 years of age. Fractures caused by osteoporosis have great importance not only because of their high prevalence, but also because of their serious physical, psychosocial and financial consequences that affect both individuals and their families, the community and health systems.

Considering these demographic aspects of the disease, the Brazilian Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics Associations – FEBRASO – joined other organizations and medical societies in the campaign, since climacteric women are among the population most at risk for osteoporosis, who nowadays correspond to a large percentage of patients in gynecology offices. According to surveys by DataFolha, one of the main institutes of public opinion in Brazil, eight in every ten women consider the specialty of Gynecology and Obstetrics as the most important for women’s health in Brazil. For brazilian women, Gynecologist-Obstetricians are considered as reference physicians, whether for treating problems of the specialty, as well as for counseling and guidance when they need healthcare in another medical specialty. Thus, the gynecologist’s office becomes one of the main entry points into the health system for women, and this professional should become a true sentinel in the screening for osteoporosis, seeking to identify women at risk for fractures. Therefore, gynecologists must be prepared for this task and also Also to refer the patient when the osteoporosis etiology requires joint care with another medical specialty since this disease has multiple origins and patients often require multidisciplinary follow-up. Thus the Competence Matrix for Medical Residency Programs in Gynecology and Obstetrics stablished by FEBRASGO emphasize the attention to climacteric women’s health. In addition, Febrasgo created the National Specialized Commission on Osteoporosis, which has been developing an excellent work, aiming to reinforce the fundamentals to approach patients at risk for osteoporosis. With the active participation of members of that Commission, the Brazilian Osteoporosis Manual was recently launched, conceived as a practical guidelines for health professionalss.



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