A Comprehensive Integrative Review of the Factors Associated with Spontaneous Preterm Birth, Its Prevention and Prediction, Including Metabolomic Markers - Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia

Integrative Review

A Comprehensive Integrative Review of the Factors Associated with Spontaneous Preterm Birth, Its Prevention and Prediction, Including Metabolomic Markers


Pretermbirth is amajormaternal complication that has a great impact on perinatal and neonatal health, with consequences suffered during childhood and adulthood. Little is known about its etiology and development, resulting in poor screening, prediction and preventive methods. The present integrative review discusses the current knowledge regarding some risk factors for preterm birth, the differences between screening and prediction methods, the limitations of some current preventive interventions, the importance of applying standardized concepts for exposures and outcomes, and why it is important to develop more accurate and reproducible methods to predict preterm birth. In addition, the authors introduce the concept of metabolomics and the technology involved in this technique, and discuss about how it has become a promising approach to identify biomarkers for spontaneous preterm birth.


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