Placental tumor diagnosed in pregnancy: a case report - Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia

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Placental tumor diagnosed in pregnancy: a case report

The most frequently nontrophoblastic tumor of the placenta found is chorioangioma, with an incidence of about 1%. When they are small, they do not significantly affect the fetus, but the large ones can cause intrauterine growth restriction, polyhydramnios, premature delivery, congestive heart failure and fetal death. The authors report a case of chorioangioma in a 28-year-old woman, second gestation, whose diagnosis was established at the 32nd week by ultrasound and confirmed by the anatomopathological examination. Ultrasonography evaluations showed chronic fetal distress and the delivery was performed at 36 weeks. The newborn results were satisfactory with Apgar 9-10 and fetal weight 2.460 g.


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