Treatment of a viable cervical pregnancy with a single-intraamniotic methotrexate injection: a case report - Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia

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Treatment of a viable cervical pregnancy with a single-intraamniotic methotrexate injection: a case report

Cervical pregnancy is a rare condition in which the egg is implanted in the cervical canal causing it to distend as the egg grows. Cervical pregnancy constitutes less than 1% of all ectopic pregnancies. Painless hemorrhage is a habitual clinical characteristic and on physical examination a very vascularized hypertrophic cervix is observed with a tissue surpassing the external orifice. Ultrasonography may be used as a complementary diagnostic tool to show directly the presence of a gestational sac. A successful management of a viable seven-week gestation cervical pregnancy is reported herein. Feticide was performed with a single intraamniotic methotrexate injection (25 mg) guided by transvaginal ultrasonography. Systemic methotrexate in a single dose intramuscular (50 mg/m²) was associated. The conservative management of cervical ectopic pregnancy with methotrexate was effective and safe.


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