Correlation of high sensitivity C-reactive protein levels and clinical and laboratory parameters in polycystic ovary syndrome patients - Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia

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Correlation of high sensitivity C-reactive protein levels and clinical and laboratory parameters in polycystic ovary syndrome patients

PURPOSE: to evaluate the ultra-sensitive C-Reactive Protein level (us-CRP) in patients with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), and the correlation of clinical and laboratory parameters with the us-CRP level. Methods: in this cross-sectional study, 46 women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, according to the Rotterdam criteria, and 44 control women have been included. Serum was analyzed for C reactive protein (CRP) levels. Body mass index (BMI), age, circumference waist, HOMA-IR, total, low and high density lipoprotein cholesterol, triglycerides, glucose, testosterone and insulin levels were correlated to CRP level through a linear regression model. RESULTS: PCOS patients not only were older and had higher BMI, but their waist circumference, fasting insulin, HOMA-IR, total and LDL cholesterol were also higher, as compared to the women from the control group. A significant difference was observed in the us-CRP level between the PCOS (2.7 mg/dL±2.17) the control (1.6 mg/dL±1.49) groups. When us-CRP levels were categorized as of low (<1.0 mg/L), moderate (1-3.0 mg/L) and high (3.0 mg/L) risk for cardiovascular episodes, only 28.3% women with PCOS had us-CRP levels defined as low, 34.8% as moderate and 37% as high risk. The prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome was higher in the women with PCOS (30.4%) than in the women from the control group (6.8%). Through a stepwise linear regression model, only waist circumference, presence of metabolic syndrome and age had a confounding effect in the relation between us-CRP and PCOS. After adjustment for confounding factors, PCOS showed an independent effect on us-CRP level. CONCLUSIONS: the us-CRP levels were higher in the PCOS women than in the healthy controls. By a regression model, PCOS showed an independent effect on us-CRP level.


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