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Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 08-25-2006;28(4):238-243
DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032006000400006
PURPOSE: to evaluate the relationship between S/A ratio in ductus venosus (DV) and perinatal outcomes in fetuses with brain sparing reflex. METHODS: the study was designed as an observational, sectional study with prospectively collected data. Forty-one fetuses with brain sparing reflex and gestational age between 25 and 33 weeks were studied between November 2002 and July 2005. The newborns were observed during the neonatal period in the intensive care unit of "Clínica Perinatal Laranjeiras" in order to find adverse outcomes. The study population was divided into two groups according to DV assessment. In the normal group all the fetuses with S/A ratio values of 3.6 or less were included, and in the abnormal group the fetuses with values of S/A ratio greater than 3.6. The statistical analysis was performed by the Mann-Whitney U-test, chi2 test and Fisher exact test. The results were considered significant when p<0.05. Gestational age, birth weight and Apgar score less than 7 at 5 min were evaluated. Perinatal outcome parameters were: intrauterine death, neonatal mortality, seizures, intraventricular hemorrhage, leukomalacia, need of surfactant, mechanical ventilation, myocardical failure, necrotizing enterocolitis, and length of stay in the intensive care unit. RESULTS: among the assessed 41 fetuses, 26 (63.4%) showed normal DV S/A ratio and the other 15 (36.6%) developed an abnormal DV S/A ratio (>3.6). There was no statistically signicant difference between the groups according to gestational age at delivery and Apgar <7. The only significant association was between abnormal DV S/A ratio and neonatal death (p=0.049; Fisher's exact test). No statistically significant association was observed for the other studied variables. CONCLUSIONS: our results suggest that abnormal DV blood flow detected by Doppler examination is not associated with adverse perinatal outcomes, except for neonatal mortality. This association may be considered statistically borderline (p=0.049). Excluding fetuses with birth weight less than 400 g, there was no other association between DV and neonatal mortality. The abnormal DV S/A ratio was not associated, in our study, with perinatal mortality in viable preterm fetuses.
Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 08-04-2004;26(5):355-361
DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032004000500003
OBJECTIVE: to assess through Dopllerfluxometry the S/A ratio of the ductus venosus and determine the cut-off point to identify preterm fetuses with the 'brain sparing phenomenon". METHOD: a cross-sectional study was performed in 60 pregnant women that presented the "brain sparing phenomenon" (umbilical cerebral ratio >1) and gestational age between 25 and 33 weeks. The following parameters were studied: S/A ratio of the ductus venosus, pH and base excess (BE) of a fetal blood sample collected from the umbilical vein immediately after birth. The fetuses were classified according to the gas analysis result. They were considered abnormal when pH <7.20 and BE < -6 mmol/l. A receiver operator characteristic (ROC) curve analysis was performed to examine the relationship between S/A ratio and fetal acidemia. RESULTS: sixty pregnant women in the period of January 1998 to January 2003 were selected. In the moment of the study the gestational age varied from 25 to 33 weeks, with an average of 29.7 weeks (±1.8 weeks). All of the fetuses presented the "brain sparing phenomenon". Among them 14 presented abnormal gas analysis at birth and 46 presented normal gas analysis. The prevalence of fetuses with abnormal gas analysis in the studied material was 23.33%. Significant association was observed between the abnormal ductus venosus velocimetry and abnormal gas analysis at birth (chi2 = 784.44, p < 0.00001) in preterm fetuses with "brain sparing phenomenon". The best cut-off point of the S/A ratio (where the ROC curves bent) was 3.4. CONCLUSION: fetal acidemia in preterm fetuses with "brain sparing phenomenon" may be noninvasively identified by Doppler measurement of the ductus venosus when the S/A rises above 3.4.
Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 07-06-2004;26(3):248-248
Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 09-04-2003;25(4):261-268
DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032003000400007
PURPOSE: to evaluate Doppler velocimetry of the ductus venosus as a noninvasive test of abnormal pH and gas analysis in preterm fetuses with "brain sparing reflex". METHODS: a cross-sectional study was performed. The studied population consisted of 48 pregnant women between the 25th and the 33rd week of gestation, whose fetuses presented brain sparing reflex (umbilical/cerebral ratio >1). The time elapsed between Doppler velocimetry and the birth (cesarean section under peridural anesthesia) was of up to 5 h. The following parameters were studied: S/A ratio of the ductus venosus, pH and base excess (BE) of fetal blood sample (collected from the umbilical vein immediately after birth). The S/A ratio of the ductus venosus was considered abnormal when superior to 3.6. The fetuses were classified according to the gas analysis result. They were considered abnormal when pH <7.26 and BE £ 6 mMol/L. Fisher's test was used for statistical analysis and considered significant when p £ 0.05. RESULTS: there was a significant correlation between umbilical blood gas analysis in preterm fetuses with brain sparing reflex and ductus venosus S/A ratio (p = 0.0000082; Fisher test). Ductus venosus Doppler velocimetry identified 10 of 14 fetuses with abnormal gas analysis. On the other hand, 32 of 34 fetuses with normal gas analysis were correctly identified. The sensitivity of the ductus venosus S/A ratio for the diagnosis of abnormal blood gas analysis was 71%, specificity 94%, false-negative rate 8%, false-positive rate 4%, positive predictive value 83% and negative predictive value 89%. Pretest likelihood, post-test posterior probability following a positive test result (post-test likelihood) and post-test posterior probability following a negative test result (post-test likelihood) were 31, 84 and 10%, respectively. CONCLUSION: the analysis of the ductus venosus S/A ratio is adequate for the diagnosis of abnormal blood gas analysis in preterm fetuses presenting brain sparing reflex.