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  • Original Article

    Clinical Presentation, Treatment Outcomes, and Resistance-related Factors in South American Women with Low-risk Postmolar Gestational Trophoblastic Neoplasia

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2022;44(8):746-754


    Original Article

    Clinical Presentation, Treatment Outcomes, and Resistance-related Factors in South American Women with Low-risk Postmolar Gestational Trophoblastic Neoplasia

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2022;44(8):746-754

    DOI 10.1055/s-0042-1748974




    There are few multinational studies on gestational trophoblastic neoplasia (GTN) treatment outcomes in South America. The purpose of this study was to assess the clinical presentation, treatment outcomes, and factors associated with chemoresistance in low-risk postmolar GTN treated with first-line single-agent chemotherapy in three South American centers.


    Multicentric, historical cohort study including women with International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO)-staged low-risk postmolar GTN attending centers in Argentina, Brazil, and Colombia between 1990 and 2014. Data were obtained on patient characteristics, disease presentation, and treatment response. Logistic regression was used to assess the relationship between clinical factors and resistance to first-line single-agent treatment. A multivariate analysis of the clinical factors significant in univariate analysis was performed.


    A total of 163 women with low-risk GTN were included in the analysis. The overall rate of complete response to first-line chemotherapy was 80% (130/163). The rates of complete response to methotrexate or actinomycin-D as first-line treatment, and actinomycin-D as second-line treatment postmethotrexate failure were 79% (125/157), 83% (⅚), and 70% (23/33), respectively. Switching to second-line treatment due to chemoresistance occurred in 20.2% of cases (33/163). The multivariate analysis demonstrated that patients with a 5 to 6 FIGO risk score were 4.2-fold more likely to develop resistance to first-line single-agent treatment (p= 0.019).


    1) At presentation, most women showed clinical characteristics favorable to a good outcome, 2) the overall rate of sustained complete remission after first-line single-agent treatment was comparable to that observed in developed countries, 3) a FIGO risk score of 5 or 6 is associated with development of resistance to first-line single-agent chemotherapy.

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    Clinical Presentation, Treatment Outcomes, and Resistance-related Factors in South American Women with Low-risk Postmolar Gestational Trophoblastic Neoplasia
  • Resumos de Teses

    Correlation between ultrasonographic and hysteroscopic aspects in postmenopausal endometrial thickening during hormonal replacement therapy

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2004;26(9):746-746


    Resumos de Teses

    Correlation between ultrasonographic and hysteroscopic aspects in postmenopausal endometrial thickening during hormonal replacement therapy

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2004;26(9):746-746

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032004000900014

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  • Original Article

    Placenta Accreta Spectrum Disorders – The Impact of the Creation of a Multidisciplinary Team on Maternal Outcomes in Portugal

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2023;45(12):747-753


    Original Article

    Placenta Accreta Spectrum Disorders – The Impact of the Creation of a Multidisciplinary Team on Maternal Outcomes in Portugal

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2023;45(12):747-753

    DOI 10.1055/s-0043-1772482




    To describe a cohort of placenta accreta spectrum (PAS) cases from a tertiary care institution and compare the maternal outcomes before and after the creation of a multidisciplinary team (MDT).


    Retrospective study using hospital databases. Identification of PAS cases with pathological confirmation between 2010 and 2021. Division in two groups: standard care (SC) group – 2010–2014; and MDT group – 2015–2021. Descriptive analysis of their characteristics and maternal outcomes.


    During the study period, there were 53 cases of PAS (24 - SC group; 29 - MDT group). Standard care group: 1 placenta increta and 3 percreta; 12.5% (3/24) had antenatal suspicion; 4 cases had a peripartum hysterectomy – one planned due to antenatal suspicion of PAS; 3 due to postpartum hemorrhage. Mean estimated blood loss (EBL) was 2,469 mL; transfusion of packed red blood cells (PRBC) in 25% (6/24) - median 7.5 units. Multidisciplinary team group: 4 cases of placenta increta and 3 percreta. The rate of antenatal suspicion was 24.1% (7/29); 9 hysterectomies were performed, 7 planned due to antenatal suspicion of PAS, 1 after intrapartum diagnosis of PAS and 1 after uterine rupture following a second trimester termination of pregnancy. The mean EBL was 1,250 mL, with transfusion of PRBC in 37.9% (11/29) - median 2 units.


    After the creation of the MDT, there was a reduction in the mean EBL and in the median number of PRBC units transfused, despite the higher number of invasive PAS disorders.

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  • Relato de Casos

    Fallopian tube prolapse after vaginal hysterectomy: a case report

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2003;25(10):749-751


    Relato de Casos

    Fallopian tube prolapse after vaginal hysterectomy: a case report

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2003;25(10):749-751

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032003001000009


    Fallopian tube prolapse is a rare complication after hysterectomy, with approximately 80 cases described in the literature. The symptoms are nonspecific including vaginal bleeding, dyspareunia and chronic pelvic pain. The differential diagnosis must be done with granulation tissue of the vaginal cuff and vaginal carcinoma. The treatment should be individualized, and is possible to be done by vaginal, abdominal or laparoscopic approach. We report a case of a 47-year-old woman with myoma who was submitted to a vaginal hysterectomy and evolved with fallopian tube prolapse 11 months after surgery. Specular examination showed a fungating, friable and bleeding lesion at the vaginal cuff. The clinical findings suggested the diagnosis of fallopian tube prolapse. The patient was submitted to a new surgical intervention with resection of the left fallopian tube. The histologic examination confirmed the diagnosis and the patient evolved with complete remission of the symptoms.

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    Fallopian tube prolapse after vaginal hysterectomy: a case report
  • Original Article

    Association between Caffeine Consumption in Pregnancy and Low Birth Weight and Preterm Birth in the birth Cohort of Ribeirão Preto

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2018;40(12):749-756


    Original Article

    Association between Caffeine Consumption in Pregnancy and Low Birth Weight and Preterm Birth in the birth Cohort of Ribeirão Preto

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2018;40(12):749-756

    DOI 10.1055/s-0038-1675806




    To describe caffeine consumption during pregnancy and its association with low birth weight (LBW) and preterm birth in the birth cohort of Ribeirão Preto, state of São Paulo, Brazil, in 2010.


    Cohort study, with descriptive and analytical approach. Data included 7,607 women and their newborns in Ribeirão Preto, state of São Paulo, Brazil. The women answered standardized questionnaires about reproductive health, prenatal care, life habits, sociodemographic conditions, and information about coffee intake. The independent variable was high caffeine consumption (≥300 mg/day) from coffee during pregnancy, and the dependent variables were LBW (birth weight < 2,500 g) and preterm birth (< 37 weeks of gestational age). Four adjusted polytomous logistic regression models, relative risk (RR) and 95% confidence interval (CI) were fitted: biological and sociodemographic conditions; obstetric history; current gestational conditions; and all variables included in the previous models.


    A total of 4,908 (64.5%) mothers consumed caffeine, 143 (2.9%) of whom reported high consumption. High caffeine intake was significantly associated with reduced education and with the occupation of the head of the family, nonwhite skin color, not having a partner, higher parity, previous abortion and preterm birth, urinary tract infection, threatened abortion, alcohol consumption and smoking. No association was found between high caffeine consumption and LBW or preterm birth in both


    In this cohort, high caffeine intake was lower than in other studies and no association with LBW or preterm birth was found.

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  • Original Article

    Improving Implantation Rate in 2nd ICSI Cycle through Ovarian Stimulation with FSH and LH in GNRH Antagonist Regimen

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2021;43(10):749-758


    Original Article

    Improving Implantation Rate in 2nd ICSI Cycle through Ovarian Stimulation with FSH and LH in GNRH Antagonist Regimen

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2021;43(10):749-758

    DOI 10.1055/s-0041-1736306




    To investigate whether patients with a previous recombinant follicle stimulating hormone (rFSH)-stimulated cycle would have improved outcomes with rFSH + recombinant luteinizing hormone (rLH) stimulation in the following cycle.


    For the present retrospective case-control study, 228 cycles performed in 114 patients undergoing intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) between 2015 and 2018 in an in vitro fertilization (IVF) center were evaluated. Controlled ovarian stimulation (COS) was achieved with rFSH (Gonal-f, Serono, Geneva, Switzerland) in the first ICSI cycle (rFSH group), and with rFSH and rLH (Pergoveris, Merck Serono S.p.A, Bari, Italy) in the second cycle (rFSH + rLH group). The ICSI outcomes were compared among the groups.


    Higher estradiol levels, oocyte yield, day-3 high-quality embryos rate and implantation rate, and a lower miscarriage rate were observed in the rFSH + rLH group compared with the rFSH group. In patients < 35 years old, the implantation rate was higher in the rFSH + rLH group compared with the rFSH group. In patients ≥ 35 years old, higher estradiol levels, oocyte yield, day-3 high-quality embryos rate, and implantation rate were observed in the rFSH + rLH group. In patients with ≤ 4 retrieved oocytes, oocyte yield, mature oocytes rate, normal cleavage speed, implantation rate, and miscarriage rate were improved in the rFSH + rLH group. In patients with ≥ 5 retrieved oocytes, higher estradiol levels, oocyte yield, and implantation rate were observed in the rFSH + rLH group.


    Ovarian stimulation with luteinizing hormone (LH) supplementation results in higher implantation rates, independent of maternal age and response to COS when compared with previous cycles stimulated with rFSH only. Improvements were also observed for ICSI outcomes and miscarriage after stratification by age and retrieved oocytes.

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  • Artigos Originais

    Associated factors of lymphedema in breast cancer patients

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2011;33(2):75-80


    Artigos Originais

    Associated factors of lymphedema in breast cancer patients

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2011;33(2):75-80

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032011000200004


    PURPOSE: to determine the prevalence of lymphedema and its associated factors in breast cancer patients. METHODS: Two hundred and fifty women that had undergone more than six months of breast cancer treatment and were being treated at an oncology reference hospital in Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais, Brazil. They were interviewed and submitted to physical evaluation. Data from the patients' medical records regarding the treatment of breast cancer, the extent of axillary intervention and the tumor were analyzed. Lymphedema was diagnosed when the difference between both upper limbs was 2 cm or more by perimetry. The groups of women with and without lymphedema were compared regarding the possible risk factors, and central tendency, dispersion, and prevalence were measured, with a significance level of 95%. RESULTS: One hundred and twelve women (44.8%) presented lymphedema. A significant difference was found between the groups of women with and without lymphedema regarding the median numbers of removed lymph nodes (p=0.02); presentation of superficial lymphatic thrombosis in the arm ipsilateral to the surgery (p<0.01); local application of radiotherapy, use of chemotherapy (p<0.01 for both); removal of the cuticles of the ipsilateral hand with pliers, and weightlifting after the treatment (p<0.01 and p=0.05, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: the association between lymphedema and the mentioned factors requires an interdisciplinary approach to this condition. It is of paramount importance that health teams and patients become aware of the prevention and treatment of lymphedema, a condition often undervalued.

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  • Artigos Originais

    Oligohydramnios without premature rupture of membranes: perinatal outcomes

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2005;27(2):75-79


    Artigos Originais

    Oligohydramnios without premature rupture of membranes: perinatal outcomes

    Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. 2005;27(2):75-79

    DOI 10.1590/S0100-72032005000200006


    PURPOSE: to evaluate perinatal outcomes in cases of oligohydramnios without premature rupture of membranes. METHODS: a total of 51 consecutive cases of oligohydramnios (amniotic fluid index, AFI < 5 cm) born between March 1998 and September 2001 were studied retrospectively. Data were compared to 61 cases with intermediate and normal volume of amniotic fluid AFI >5). Maternal and neonatal variables, as well as fetal mortality, early neonatal, and perinatal mortality rates were analyzed. For statistical analysis the c² test with Yates correction and Student's t test were used with level of signicance set at 5%. RESULTS: there were no significant differences between groups when the presence of gestational hypertensive syndromes, meconium-stained amniotic fluid, 1- and 5-minute Apgar score, need of neonatal intensive center unit, and preterm birth were analyzed. Oligohydramnios was associated with the way of delivery (p<0.0002; RR=0.3), fetal distress (p<0.0004; RR=2.2) and fetal malformations (p<0.01; RR=5.4). Fetal malformation rates were 17.6 and 3.3% in oligohydramnios and normal groups, respectively. Fetal mortality (2.0 vs 1.6%), early neonatal (5.9 vs 1.6%) and perinatal mortality (7.8 vs 3.3%) rates in both groups did not show statistical significance. CONCLUSION: Oligohydramnios was related to increased risk factor for cesarean section, fetal distress and fetal malformations.

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